The die casting is a phase of industrial production that consists in injecting the liquid metal into a mold to obtain products of complex shapes, low cost and with mechanical characteristics suitable for various uses, Bieffe Stampi it is able to meet the most varied requirements requested by the customer.
The process is divided as follows:
- Analysis of Model and the filling of the casting studio
- Mold Design
- Mold Making
- Dimensional control and complete control of all the necessary parameters of the process

WHY CHOOSE THE DIE CASTING? If you need to produce items made of aluminum alloys, the die casting is the most economical and efficient technology.
We'll save over 50% on the cost of the raw material and it is difficult preferring other methods of casting such as sand casting or chill molds when the cost is depreciable.
Here are some features that make a Competitive die :
Complex shapes and with very low tolerances and high repeatability
thin thicknesses, in some cases even less than 1.5 mm
High mechanical strength
No porosity and seal air pressure and liquid
High workability
Low cost of raw material
The die-cast components are more durable than the plastic over time because not subject to any kind of deformation damage it.
Components with a high degree of aesthetic finish so suitable for the furniture and lighting industry.
Option of a mold by various versions of an article by replacing plugs or dowels.
inserts in different materials such as screws or bushes can be co-molded in the casting becoming in effect an integral part of the same.
Choose from a vast catalog of alloys with different mechanical characteristics.